text ENG/DK
The endless stream of products that multinational businesses
design, produce and sell is one of the central points in the
work of René Schmidt. Fascination and gaping of this enormous
productionconsumer system is converted to artistic
practice, caused by an enthusiasm of the aesthetics of everyday
life - from carpet to coffee machine to computer. The
majority of consumers may as well admit that they at some
point (often) have purchased something quite ugly, but since
the price was good and the need was covered, they were
more than happy with the deal.
René Schmidt's most recent exhibition "UniGamble", that constitutes
the majority of images in this catalogue, was an
embracement of common taste; a celebration of mediocrity -
in a positive way, because it has been democratically chosen
by the consumers of the world.
"People often say that my work is either ugly, too wild or too much. But
so is society. If you go to the huge shopping malls or just into the
street, a giant truck comes along or a taxi cab with commercials all
over it. And it simply rides through this old part of the city. Now, that's
what I call a smack. I am not saying that all taxi cabs should be silver
grey. I think it's really cool, when stuff collides. But as a starting point
I guess one can say that it is not a pretty picture."1
The "UniGamble"-show manifested itself as an excess. A cornucopia
of details cutting through the cornea, stories that
blabbered, and objects growing in and out of one another,
melted together and separated. This excess made "the sculptures
collapse because of the short circuits of taste and meaning"
2. You "faced something that potentially is something completely
else, a place where the laws of gravity, the unfolding in
space - not to mention good taste and classical beauty - have
been completely suspended"3.
"UniGamble was high speed PopBaroque. 'Pop' for the
objects of everyday life - 'Baroque' for the excess. The aesthetics
of daily life pumped so hard, that the cornucopia overflowed
into the sound of a killa flourish: Too much is not
Gustaf Gimm, May 2004
Multinationale virksomheders endeløse strøm af produkter,
som de designer, producerer og sælger er et af tyngdepunkterne
hos René Schmidt. Fascination og måben over dette
enorme produktionsforbrugersystem omsættes til kunstnerisk
praksis, affødt af en begejstring over hverdagens æstetik -
fra tapet til tv over kop til kaffemaskine. Flertallet af vi forbrugere
må indrømme på et tidspunkt (læs: ofte) at have
erhvervet en i virkeligheden grim genstand, men fordi den
havde en god pris og opfyldte behovet, så var vi mere end tilfredse
med købet.
Schmidts seneste udstilling "UniGamble", som udgør
størsedelen af katalogets billedmateriale, var en favnelse af
den jævne smag; en hyldest til middelmådigheden - ment
poitivt, for den er demokratisk valgt af alverdens forbrugere.
"Folk siger ofte om mine værker, at de er grimme, for vilde eller for
meget af det gode. Men det synes jeg også samfundet er. Hvis man
går ud til Viborg Storcenter eller ud til Fields eller bare ud på vejen, så
kommer der en kæmpestor lastbil eller en taxa. En taxa med en
Haribo-slikpose væltende over hele overfladen. Og den kører bare
igennem denne her gamle bydel. Det er da nogle klask, der vil noget.
Jeg siger ikke, alle taxaer skal være sølvgrå. Jeg synes, det er rigtig
fedt, når tingene ramler sammen.”1
"UniGamble"-udstillingen manifesterede sig som en exces. Et
overflødighedshorn af detaljer, der skar i hornhinden,
fortællinger der rablede, og objekter der voksede ind og ud af
hinanden, smeltede sammen og adskiltes. Denne exces fik
"skulpturerne til at kollapse i smags- og betydningsmæssige
kortslutninger"2. Man stod "over for noget, som potentielt er
noget helt andet, et sted hvor regler for tyngdekraft, udfoldelse
i rum - for slet ikke at tale om god smag og klassisk skønhed
- er sat helt ud af spillet"3.
"UniGamble" var popbarok i højeste gear. 'Pop' for hverdagsobjekterne
- 'barok' for excessen. Dagliglivets æstetik pumpet
så hårdt, at overflødighedshornet flød over i en benhård
fanfare: Too much is not enough.
Gustaf Gimm, May 2004